Preparing for surgery
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If you have been recommended to have an operation or procedure by a surgeon or other doctor, then that doctor would have met with you and your whānau and discussed the reasons for the procedure, the risks of the procedure, and if there are any other options that could help treat or manage your health issue.
An operation can be a big demand on your body. Making changes to improve your overall hauora/health and wellbeing in the lead up to your operation can make surgery and anaesthesia safer for you.
Managing medical conditions
You and your whānau can work with your primary care doctor (GP) to make sure major health conditions are managed as well as possible before an operation. The hospital doctors (your surgeon or anaesthetic doctor) might also ask that you do some tests to look for other health conditions. Finding out about these conditions, and making a plan to manage them, can make a big difference to how well someone does after an operation.
Managing lifestyle factors
There are also some changes that you and your whānau can work on together at home to help get you ready for surgery.
Getting fit for surgery
Improving your fitness can have many benefits to your health, including recovering from surgery more quickly. Using activity to improve your strength, balance, and fitness can help you get out of hospital and back doing the things you enjoy, and back to your previous level of independence in as short a time as possible.