Crisis Assessment and Home Treatment (CAHT)
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Crisis Assessment and Home Treatment (CAHT)
Crisis Assessment and Home Treatment (CAHT)
The Crisis Assessment & Home Treatment Service is a community based service providing crisis mental health assessment for tangata whaiora who require an urgent response and are likely to require the support of community or inpatient mental health services.
The service also provides short-term follow-up (<6 weeks) for new tangata whaiora who have been urgently assessed and require a period of specialist input/intervention; or for existing tangata whaiora of community mental health teams who require acute home based treatment intervention as an alternative to hospital admission.
The service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Crisis Assessment & Home Treatment Service
Available 24/7
Phone: 0800 50 50 50
Fax: 0800 500 105