Respiratory covers diagnostic and treatment of general respiratory and sleep disorders.
The department provides its services through
- a comprehensive inpatient (ward) service
- clinic and outreach services including nurse-led clinics with highly skilled nurses specialising in COPD, asthma, cystic fibrosis and lung cancer
- a full respiratory function laboratory
- sleep service with a three-bed sleep laboratory
- chest conference (weekly multi-disciplinary sessions where complex cases are discussed).
The service works closely with General Medicine and Thoracic Surgery specialties at Waikato Hospital, and with the regional cancer services.
It has a research unit with dedicated research nurses.
Waikato Hospital, Waiora Waikato Hospital Campus, Pembroke Street, Hamilton
- Ward A2 Respiratory, Level 2, Acute Services Building
- Respiratory Clinic, Reception F, Level 2, Meade Clinical Centre
- Respiratory & Cardiac Procedures, Reception F, Level 2, Meade Clinical Centre
Contact information
Waikato Hospital
Phone: 07 839 8899
Referrals are by general practitioners (GPs) or other health specialists.
Non-acute (non-urgent) referrals will initially be seen at a clinic.
Referral forms
- Bronchoscopy and EBUS referral form [DOCX, 48 KB]
- Chest conference form [DOC, 240 KB]
- Community oxygen request form [PDF, 67 KB]
- ILD conference form [DOCX, 55 KB]